Filled up or Depleted?

fulfillment positive energy Aug 06, 2019

Are you feeling filled up after doing everything you need to feel satisfied and healthy or are you feeling depleted no matter how hard you try?

I help people identify what makes them feel good about themselves, their lives and their health and well being and what seems to be depleting them of their necessary energy.

Doing the work that I do as a psychologist I too need to watch that my tank remains filled with good energy and that there are few opportunities for energy loss; much like an energy-efficient home. Capitalizing on making the most of good energy is important!

I liken people to a vase. If the vase is intact with no cracks or holes, then the water contained and replenished remains full and available to feed the flowers in it. If there are cracks in the vase, then no matter how much water is put in, the water will seep out not to mention leaving a mess and more work cleaning up the leaks.


Take an inventory of your energy and what fills you up. Is it exercise, relationships, hobbies, family, work, nutrition, meditation, rest and reflection, sleep, travel, vacations……?

What depletes you? Is it the lack of exercise, toxic relationships, boredom, family, work, poor nutrition, stress, drugs and alcohol abuse, rushing, no time off to rest and reflect, poor sleep, worry, nothing to look forward to, finances…..?

Can any of the things that deplete you change or be eliminated and the positive activities be increased or added to your repertoire creating more energy?

Do what you can to increase your energy and decrease your sources of stress or depletion. Doing so will also increase your self-esteem!

As a Montreal psychologist concerned for the well being of others, I give courses on Burn Out, Parenting and Relationship Building. Join the Therapy For Your Life newsletter below to keep up to date with the latest courses, workshops and news.

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