How Stable is Your Table

balance self-care Jun 02, 2020

There are basically four major foundation points to every person. I like to call these the table legs that help stabilize your table top. A metaphor for your life.

If you have a table with four legs and each of those four legs are strong and evenly balanced, then you can stack quite a few things on your table top without stressing that it is going to break. Your four table legs represent rest and sleep, nutrition, exercise and having things to look forward to (life enjoyment). If each of your table legs are even and solid, then your table top is going to be very stable and you can pile on work, family, friends, social, hobbies and a certain amount of stress.

If one or several legs of your table are not even or not that strong then your table top is not going to be able to hold too much without starting to tip or crash. This would be the equivalent of getting very sick or burning out. You need to pay attention to make sure that you are keeping those legs of your table strong and solid. This means

1. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and rest. This means taking breaks, having a 20-minute powernap or five minutes of meditation. Incorporate whatever you can put in your day to make sure that you feel rested and energized.

2. Exercise. Basically, if you do not move, you die. Exercise keeps the oxygen going to your brain, it gives you stamina, it gives you energy and helps keep a strong immune system

3. Nutrition. If you are going to put garbage in your system, you are going to feel like garbage. If you are going to load your body up with sugar and process foods or not eat, you are not going to go very far. Make sure you have a well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, vitamins, supplements and proteins (it doesn’t have to be animal protein). Make sure that you have a good amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins to fuel your system.

4. Having things to look forward to. If you do not have things to look forward to or you are not enjoying your life, what is the point? This could be small little things like having a bubble bath at the end of the night, having coffee with a friend, watching your favourite show on tv or planning a weekend away. It does not matter what it is as long as it matters to you and it makes you feel alive and enjoy your life more.

So, ask yourself: how stable is your table?

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