How To Increase Your Awareness

awareness Apr 04, 2017

Awareness is the beginning of everything. Until you are aware, you are only reacting to your environment, family members, friends, colleagues, situations unconsciously and emotionally.

What was modeled by your parents or peers is what you tend to assimilate.

In fact, the traits in your parents that you feared most are the traits that you will assimilate and make our own as a way of coping (done unconsciously, of course).

The importance of getting the planet to wake up is crucial so that negative trends and traits can be changed or stopped.


Awareness is like a fog lifting. Increasing your awareness will help you to see the world and your life in it more clearly.

It will widen the scope of what you see giving you more clarity and choices.

This will ultimately give you more control in your life and more satisfaction.

One easy exercise to increase your awareness is to simply focus on what grabs your attention without any preconceived thought.

Flip from one internal or external cue as it presents itself.

Get lost in this exercise and note how it makes you feel and what it makes you aware of.

Do this daily for a minute at a time and notice what it feels like to truly be present.

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