Journey to Self-Awareness

awareness self-awareness Apr 03, 2018

Awareness is the beginning of everything. Until you are aware, you are only reacting to your environment, family members, friends, colleagues, situations unconsciously and emotionally.

What was modeled by your parents or peers is what you tend to assimilate. In fact, the traits in your parents that you feared most are the traits that you will assimilate and make our own as a way of coping (done unconsciously, of course). The importance of getting the planet to wake up is crucial so that negative trends and traits can be changed or stopped as part of your journey to self-awareness.

Stop running on autopilot. Awareness leads to change.

There are many aspects to the awareness process. They include: expectations, choice, actions versus reactions, assumptions, interpretations, clarification, visualization, balance, pacing, not rushing, limits, wants versus shoulds, energy and the investment of it…. as they impact all of our lives in some fashion. Not recognizing these components and their impact on our physical, mental and emotional health can be fatal.

Stop reacting to your past and present! Take the necessary steps to improve your life by making the changes necessary for a balanced existence.

Juggling a job, children, aging parents, commutes, finances or any combination of factors, can become overwhelming and stressful, especially when more elements are added to the mix.

Being aware of what you can handle now and in the future and what your limits are is essential to your overall well-being, safety and satisfaction in your journey to self-awareness.

I know many people may argue that this is life and that they should be able to deal with everything. This may be your life however the more you can assess your limits before making big decisions the more manageable your life can be.

The more you realize what your options are the less stuck you will feel.

Techniques and tools offered in my blogs are opportunities for change. They are not linear however they are interactive; one impacting the next and they are experienced as a whole.

One source of stress impacts the other until the load is too much to bear. The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.

Help Yourself to the tips and strategies offered by therapy for your life. Make your life the best experience ever!

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