What's On Your Menu?

planning procrastination Dec 03, 2019

If you have worked with me then you already know what that means. Instead of the famous or To Do List that everybody drives themselves crazy with it is much better to look at a to do list as a menu.

Like a menu, your to do list is going to have certain things that repeat themselves and other things that are going to change depending on the day, the week, the month or the year. It is important to look at your to do list like a menu; when you go sit down in a restaurant, you are not going to order everything on the menu and eat it in one sitting. That would be ridiculous and you will make yourself sick, so take that into consideration when you are looking at your to do list. If you think you have to knock off everything on your to do list in one or two days, chances are you are going to feel pretty sick at the end of it and it is a great way to burn out.

I recommend looking at that menu or (to do list) and decide which activities you feel up to doing. I am talking about the ones that feel like you are going with the flow or maybe that you are looking forward to doing. When you choose your activities this way, you use very little energy because you are already in to the process and you will enjoy it more. Chances it is going to go smoothly, you will feel happy and you will feel satisfied.

The return on looking at your to do list this way is that you will get things done and they will not take too much of your energy. The bonus is that they will give you back some energy because you enjoyed the process, it did not take too much energy and you feel that sense of satisfaction. Which means that next time you look at that item on a menu you will say “that was fun, I enjoyed that, I would like to do that again”.

So please! Put the to do list away. Choose what you feel like doing and definitely enjoy the process.

This is a great way to prevent procrastination.

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