What to do when struggling to make a decision

decisions visualization Aug 01, 2017

Stop Struggling to Make a Decision And Move Forward

Are you struggling to make a decision? Visualization is part of your answer!

Visualization is picturing an event in your mind from A to Z while paying close attention to how the imagined scenario makes you feel physically and emotionally.

Too often, people don’t stop to reflect on how a decision or not making a decision will make them feel.

They are not aware of the physical, emotional or even financial consequences of their reactions.

They only become aware of its consequences after the fact.

A two minute or even at times, a two-second reflection, before moving ahead on a course of action, can be invaluable; even life-saving.

Struggling to make a decision can create symptoms:

  • Talking a mile a minute will exhaust you and not give you the time to reflect on how you are feeling or what good decisions can feel like.
  • Rushing and packing in too many events or activities in a day.
  • Driving too quickly.
  • Eating on the run or not eating at all.
  • Breathlessness.
  • Irritation.
  • Anxiety.

Tips to help yourself make better decisions:

Determine what is priority number 1, 2 and 3 for the day.

What are you up to doing? This is very important as a task on one day, it can feel overwhelming taking more energy and time to execute with little to no pleasure.

Yet on another day can feel like a piece of cake and pleasurable making the entire experience easy, fun and rewarding leaving a pleasant taste in your mouth.

This will reinforce the chances of this pleasurable experience happening again.

Don’t rush. Give yourself enough time between tasks or activities so there is a seamless flow.

You will breathe more efficiently and you will conserve your energy.

There are many “Super” women and men out there in more ways than one.

The idea is not to do less but to be more aware of when and how you do something.

When struggling to make decisions tune into yourself first before making a decision!

Help yourself to the tips and strategies offered by therapy for your life. Make your life the best experience ever!

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