Why No One Talks About How to Cultivate Self Awareness Anymore
Dec 05, 2017What are your expectations?
Cultivate self-awareness through identifying all the expectations in your life!
We all have them whether they are conscious or unconscious. Expectations have built-in disappointments, unless you and another share the same expectations, then life is beautiful!
Most of us however walk around not knowing we even have expectations.
You need to cultivate self-awareness to see this! It’s essential to your happiness.
We assume that the other person or people in our life share the same expectations.
Unfortunately, this is not the case and it leads to disappointment, hurt, frustration and even divorce. Most people enter important relationships, like marriage, business, groups, etc without being clear about their own expectations and objectives or the other party’s expectations, leading most often to a royal mess.
It sounds easy enough and it is. However, this does not seem to be on most people’s radar.
Rather we walk around “unconscious” and we react to our environments. I know because I’ve done it. Becoming aware of expectations and sharing them is like turning the lights on.
Don’t assume what others want from you! Don’t say yes to the requests, reasonable or otherwise, and place unconscious expectations on yourself that you will need to live up to. There is no special award, trophy or extra money, so what was in it for you?
Are you avoiding rejection and conflict?
To cultivate self-awareness you need to examine your own expectations of your self and why.
Where do these expectations come from in your life?
Did you unconsciously defend against any disappointment, anger, negative consequence by “tuning” into perceived expectations and tried to be “perfect?” Perfection does not exist in human nature so it is an impossible task. This only leads to frustration and dissatisfaction.
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